Learning is scaffolded by dividing it into parts and then offering a tool or framework for each chunk. Simply defined, scaffolding is what you do initially with children; then, for those students who are still failing, you may need to differentiate by changing an assignment and/or providing a student with accommodations. This article will concentrate on many ways to provide scaffolding to pupils. 6 Most Helpful Scaffolding Strategies for Students Many tests and research have been conveyed to find the most effective ways to learn things. What researchers and scientists have found is that there is no single definitive way that can ensure ultimate learning success. However, there are different strategies that can help people understand and learn anything more successfully. Here are the best 6 of them: Showing and Telling Modeling for pupils is a crucial component of scaffolding instruction. Many individuals perceive visually rather than auditorily. Create an image or scenario to p...